it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas …

Growing Up I used to be a HUGE fan of the holidays. I looked forward to going to my grandparents house to hang out with…


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Growing Up

I used to be a HUGE fan of the holidays. I looked forward to going to my grandparents house to hang out with my massive Irish family. My sister and I were always so excited to ride out to Nana & Papa’s farm, about two hours from my Dad’s house, to spend the weekend. We would help Nana cook an oversized feast, Papa would bake cookies with my sister and I and then the adults would play outside until way past sunset. It was always a blast.

Fast forward to high school when my parents divorced and holidays were no longer fun. My sister and I were pulled in every direction to make everyone happy, which meant long days of driving between get togethers and not much time to enjoy. The best times I had then were the drives with my sister – when we would belt out our favorite songs at the top of our lungs with the windows down in my old, shitty trucks that I always owned.

These Days …

Holidays are still pretty chaotic between Greg’s family and mine. We both have HUGE families. Luckily, our parents have come to terms with making things work for everyone, with him having two brothers + families, myself having my sister living in BFE South Dakota and my step-siblings living in Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. My favorite part of the holidays these days is having my own home to make cozy and warm. I love filling the house with scents reminiscent of Nana and Papa’s farm, baking cookies to share with loved ones and listening to Christmas music (BUT ONLY THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS!).

I do my best to limit my visits to home goods stores but when I do go, I mean business. The decor section never knows what hit it. It’s taken me a few years but I think I’ve finally found my “thing” when it comes to decorating. I’m seriously obsessed with buffalo plaid (but who isn’t?), galvanized metal, rustic wood, black finishes and white lights. It flows all through our home, inside and out, even down to my weight rack in the basement.

I waited until the day after Thanksgiving to put things up. But just know – it’ll be Christmas in Harve’s house until my birthday in the middle of January, lol

Do you have a style or theme you stick with every year for your holiday decor? Or do you change it up every year? Or do you do multiple Christmas trees?! I want to see!