stop making excuses

It’s Monday. The start of a new week. Mondays are fresh and a clean slate. It’s a wonderful day to set aside your excuses and…


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It’s Monday. The start of a new week.

Mondays are fresh and a clean slate. It’s a wonderful day to set aside your excuses and start over. Did you skip a workout last week? Slip up on your eating? Not get enough sleep? Have you literally just not started paving the path to feeling your very best? 

YOU’RE IN LUCK! You get another chance to try again! And you should never miss a Monday for this exact reason.

So many people try to plan ahead and that’s really a great idea, but sometimes, it just doesn’t work out best that way. Sometimes you just need to stop making excuses and dive in head first.

Stop Making Excuses

Right now, stop what you’re doing, grab a water bottle and fill it up. Drink a little bit throughout the day and keep refilling it. Before you know it, you’ve upped your water intake and you just feel GOOD. Didn’t pack your lunch? Just make healthier choices. Instead of chowing down on cheeseburgers (which is totally okay, btw. My favorite meals are cheeseburgers and Busch beers shared over a bar with Greg on date night once a week), maybe check out a place to grab a big ass salad full of veggies and topped with protein or swing by a supplement shop to get a hearty meal replacement bar. You can always make up for the day by making yourself a healthy dinner. Not ready to workout yet? Take yourself on a walk. Nothing brightens a boring day at work like getting some sunshine and fresh air for a few minutes on your break. And for fuck’s sake, smile a little bit. Everyone could use a smile.

Stay Accountable

If you need an accountability partner, find one. Ask. There are so many kind and like-minded folks out there. The fitness and health community is so genuine when it comes to helping one another out. Check out hashtags on Instagram, such as #iam1stphorm or #streetparking to get inspired and make connections. My accountability partner lives 2,000 miles away from me and we still check in with one another DAILY. We text, share videos and pictures and literally talk so much. We’ve literally never met each other in person and she’s one of the most important people in my life. You can build a beautiful friendship from finding someone that cares about their health enough to help someone care about theirs.

Stop making excuses. You literally have none.

Start today and don’t look back.

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