20 ways to make your day to day life easier!

Happy Sunday!! I’m a HUGE fan of working smarter, not harder. If there is something that can be done to streamline my daily tasks, I’m…


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Happy Sunday!! I’m a HUGE fan of working smarter, not harder. If there is something that can be done to streamline my daily tasks, I’m here for it. There’s honestly no need to overcomplicate anything, so why not make everything easier? I sat down and stock-piled a list of 20 ways to make your day to day life easier!

1 – Lists.

I swear by this. I keep a to-do list on my iPhone home-screen and a constant running grocery list, etc. You name it, if I’ve done it, I probably used a list to accomplish it.

2 – Keep a Morning Routine.

Wake up at the same time and accomplish the same tasks. I get out of bed at the same time and run through my morning routine the same exact way every morning. Sometimes, I wake up earlier and workout, sometimes I magically end up late to work. It’s called balance, lol.


This makes my life so much easier in the morning. I make sure I make coffee for the two of us and that it’s programmed and ready to be done before we need to run out the door. Because if I don’t get my coffee, ain’t no one having a good day!

4 – Make Your Lunch and Daily Snacks the Night Before.

I even do this on this weekend. It helps tremendously to have a plan in place to stay on track with my meal plan. And in turn, because you won’t be going out for lunch, you’ll help your budget as well!

5 – Use Kitchen Appliances to Your Advantage.

Do you have a Crockpot, Air Fryer, Instapot or Rice Cooker? *all aff links* If not, you NEED at least one of them! I mean it, they make life SO MUCH EASIER! I knockout our meal prep so quickly by using these tools. And I make dinner super fast and effortlessly when I’m super busy during the week with working, studying and keeping on track with my workouts.

6 – Bring a Water Bottle Everywhere.

Not only is it easier to stay hydrated, but you’re also protecting yourself by using your own bottle during this nasty pandemic and you’re not creating waste by grabbing many plastic bottles. I carry a 32oz Nalgene bottle *aff link* with me everywhere. It’s big enough to only need to drink 4 to hit my gallon for the day, but small enough to throw in my bag.

7 – Don’t Let Your Gas Tank Get Below 1/4 of a Tank.

I started doing this when I moved out of the city, since I no longer have a close-by gas station. It makes a world of difference when you’re accidentally late for work and you don’t have to stop for gas in the morning!

8 – Lay Your Clothes Out for the Next Day.

I include this as part of my evening routine. I lay out my work clothes (all the way down to my mask) and the clothes I intend on wearing during my workout. It definitely saves time so you’re not hunting for a matching sock during your morning routine!

9 – Budget.

I do my best to stick to a budget. I keep only enough money in my checking account for groceries, gas and a little extra, then put everything else in savings. And I include “NOT SPEND ANY EXTRA MONEY” on my daily list as a reminder to not screw up my budget 🙂

10 – Tidy Up Every Day.

Even if you only dedicate 10 minutes a night to doing this, it makes a big difference! Pick up the kitchen, put away things that are out of place, make your bed, take out the trash and just straighten up. It just makes everything feel a little more fresh.

11 – Disregard Anyone and Anything That Makes You Feel Bad.

Seriously. Fuck that shit. If you’re not happy or feel good around certain people or things, stop being around that stuff. It’s not your precious time and effort when you’re on a mission to be your best self.

12 – Meal Prep and/or Meal Plan.

I live for this. I make our lunches in one afternoon and plan what we will have for dinners throughout the week, as well as make sure theres plenty of healthy snacks at home. It takes so much guesswork out of the daily, “what’s for dinner?” conversation. And it’s so much easier to stay on track when you have everything ready to go.

13 – Slow Down.

Remember that you need to take care of yourself too. Go outside and get some fresh air. It’s perfectly okay to have a low-key night of not doing anything. You don’t have to be going 200mph every single moment of your life. And while you’re at it, throw in some self care: take a hot bath, do a face mask, take a nap, cuddle up and read a good book. Do whatever your soul needs to feel happy at that moment in time.

14 – Read Some Self Help Books.

Seriously. You don’t necessarily need all the help provided in the book, but you can take a lot of the advice and apply it to many things in your every day life. My favorite so far is, “Can’t Hurt Me,” by David Goggins. *aff link*

15 – Take the Important Things Out of Your Car Every Night.

I know this can be annoying but every single day, I see people having their purse, wallet, gun, etc stolen out of their car (or even the entire car stolen!) because they left their KEYS or any other valuables inside. It’s so much less of a headache to remove these things before you REALLY give yourself a headache by having to call the police to file a report.

16 – Prioritize Your Time Daily.

What needs the most attention? And what can wait? Outside of work, I tend to make priority out of the “how was your day?” convo with my boyfriend, an hour to study, about an hour to workout and then time to work on my blog. Everything else falls into place past that.

17 – Wake Up and Tell Yourself You’re Going to Have a Good Day.

This is probably my best day to day life hack. I know not every day will be a perfect or great day, but you can sure attempt to have that kind of day by waking up and telling yourself that you will have a good day. Mindset is everything, folks.

18 – Get Outside.

There is so much to appreciate outdoors. Grab a cup of coffee on your day off and listen to the birds. Take your dog on a walk. Lay in your yard and look at the sky. Grab your babe and go for a hike. In a time where everyone is so attached to their phones, unplug and go get some fresh air. It’s the definition of simple.

19 – Practice Gratitude

Simply, be thankful for all you have in your life. Be thankful for your family, friends, home, career, the clean water you drink, anything! It’s good for your soul when you recognize the big and small things around you to be grateful for. And it’s the best way to live your days – with a grateful heart.

20 – Declutter

This is something that takes time. Start by decluttering a closet, then maybe a room, then maybe another room, purge what you don’t want or need and if you’re able to, donate to charity or to someone who may need it. Your brain tends to feel happier when there’s less clutter around.

Hopefully, some of these 20 ways to make your day to day life easier can be used in your daily routine to help improve your days! Drop a comment and tell me what your favorite daily life hack is to make your day simpler!


    1. Thanks a ton, lady! I appreciate it! Lists are the easiest, most helpful thing we can do for ourselves! 🙂

  1. I love this post because it is really all i seem to care about. these lists are super inspiring and i am constantly looking for inspiration and more ideas for self-care and how to live a more fulfilled life.

    I especially related to #17 because my phone wallpaper is a reminder that says ”today is going to be a good day!” and it seems to always give me a smile and a dash of hope for a positive day. 🙂

    Hugs, Ana


    1. Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment, gal! I love your idea of keeping a reminder on your Home Screen! 🙂

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