34 life lessons i’ve learned in my 34 years

I turn 34 today but, I don’t feel 34. Honestly, I don’t even feel like an adult most days. I still find it hard to…


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I turn 34 today but, I don’t feel 34. Honestly, I don’t even feel like an adult most days. I still find it hard to believe that I have a mortgage, an almost 7-year long relationship with my soulmate, a dog, a nice, new car and a career in a field I’ve been in for nearly 15 years. In honor of being old, I felt it was appropriate to share 34 life lessons I’ve learned in my 34 years. So, without further ado … Happy Birthday to me, I’m old! 😀

34 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 34 Years

1 – Save, save, save. Saving money as opposed to blowing it is SO important not only for living expenses, but also for emergencies. It goes without saying to treat yourself on occasion, girl! But always make sure you have a little cushion.

2 – Being 34 without a husband or children does NOT make you any less of a woman. Of course these things are important to some people, but they aren’t important to all people. Remember this the next time a family member pokes and prodes at your personal life. 

3 – Eat the ice cream, live a little bit. Everything in moderation. My favorite nights are when we take Harvey to the ice cream shop in town for a treat

4 – Wear sunscreen. Seriously. It’s not the most glamourous to apply, but it’ll be worth it when you’re in your 40s or 50s and not looking like a wrinkly, old football.

5 – Always be polite. This should go without saying. You should learn this before grade school. If you’re not polite, start being polite today.

6 – Don’t go to bed mad. This is a big one for me. I never want my boyfriend to sit and stew about something that could have easily been resolved. I have the best relationship now and I never want it to change.

7 – You’re not always going to be everyone’s cup of tea and you should never thrive to be. Embrace your uniqueness and induviduality. There is no one like you out there 🙂

8 – Move your body. Treat it well. It’s the only one you get and you can’t replace it or trade it in!

9 – Always take a few minutes every day to tidy up around your living space, whether it be your home, your room, your desk or your car. It’s so much easier to clean up just a little bit every day instead of having to clean a GIANT mess! Plus, in the time of social media, we see that shit in the background. Clean it up, girl.

10 – If you’re lucky enough to still have your parents and grandparents around, listen to their stories. Sometimes, they may not have anyone to listen to them and that means so much. Plus, who’s going to tell you those special stories when they’re gone?

11 – Fresh flowers liven up any home. My boyfriend had no idea I loved flowers until I told him that I enjoyed them, and now he brings them home once or twice a month. A little splash of color and a hint of floral scents can brighten up your worst day, if even for just a moment. 

12 – Be the person your dog thinks you are. My dog definitely thinks I’m annoying as HELL because I always want to hang out with him, but I just want and need him to know that he’s the (other) love of my life. Love your dog like you love your child. Dogs aren’t our whole life, but they make our life whole. And ADOPT ADOPT ADOPT.

13 – Don’t compare your life to someone else’s. They may have been in your shoes a year ago on the same kind of path you are or they may be starting today. Progress looks different on everyone.

14 – Chose your own happiness. Attitude is everything. Only you can choose to see the glass half empty or half full … and it might as well be full!

15 – Don’t be afraid to try something new … and fail. You never know until you try!

16 – Consistency is key. You can choose to be consistently good or occasionally perfect, it’s totally up to you. But you can choose to be consistent in your habits and obtain your goals over time with consistency.

17 – Don’t let your job define you. I absolutely do not want to be only known for being an automotive parts person (although I am probably one of the best damn Powerstroke parts girls out there, tbh). I am so much more than my job. That being said, you SHOULD enjoy your job since you spend SO MUCH of your life there. Enjoy your coworkers and what you do, even if it is somewhat of a brainless activity to you 🙂

18 – Learn a family recipe. I FINALLY got my Nana’s chili recipe. It’s my absolute favorite. I’ve been asking her for years to write down the recipe for me and I can never get her to do it. We finally went out to the farm and she offered to make some for lunch … so I helped and wrote down every step for myself. It may not be much, but it is important to me 

19 – Take pictures. I love pictures. I cherish the photos I have with my loved ones that I’m still lucky enough to have and the photos of my loved ones that are no longer with us. And I love thinking back to the moment in time when that photo was taken. Always take the pictures.

20 – Celebrate the little victories. They are just as important. You PR’d your workout? You made your bed before you went to work this morning? HELL YEAH. Tell the world! And do it again tomorrow! 

21 – Take care of your car and your home. It may not seem important to you now, but wait until something important breaks and it’s expensive. Proper maintenance doesn’t prevent failure, but it sure does help prolong the time until failure.

22 – Drink water. It’s boring and not exciting but water has so many benefits. You’ll always feel best when you’re hydrated. 

23 – Maintain and grow your friendships. And keep making friends. As we grow older, we don’t spend as much time as we want with our friends. A random text message, a funny meme on Facebook or a surprise from Amazon on the front porch are all good ways to maintain and nourish your friendship. 

24 – Pizza can be made into anything and be delicious in any way. Regular pizza, pizza on a bagel, healthy pizza, pizza cupcakes, breakfast pizza, pizza bread, deconstructed pizza bowls. You name it. There is no right or wrong way to pizza, nor is there ever a wrong time for pizza. Eat the pizza.

25 – Set. Some. Goals. This is so important to me. I’ve struggled so much this past year with goals due to the pandemic cancelling everything, but I’ve found ways around it. My goals are generally fitness related but I’m expanding to blog and setting more long term goals, like working for myself within the next 5-7 years. Heck, set a goal to get up at 6am instead of 6:30am, no goal is too small! 

26 – Cuddle. Hold hands. Kiss. Hug. Love your partner and always show them. I’m obsessed with my boyfriend and I’m trying to be better about displaying it … even though he doesn’t believe me.

27 – Make time to workout, even if just for 10 minutes. Take your dog for a walk, go walk for half of your lunch break at work, jump rope, ride your bike in the park, etc. Just get up, move your body and get your blood pumping. 

28 – A GOOD pair of shoes can actually change your life. I’m not talking a pair of Red Bottoms. I’m talking a properly fitting, comfortable shoe that makes your feet, knees and back feel GOOOOOOD. I used to suffer with running injuries until I was properly fitted and my god, it was actually life changing. Serious, find a local running store, such as Fleet Feet and get properly fitted. I feel so much better all over! 

29 – Invest in yourself and your future. I always want to be prepared, I never like to feel like I don’t have control. Who knows, my job may or may not exist in 7-10 years. I’m dedicating myself to making my blog successful and also studying to become a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I always want to have a backup plan and if I never use it as a backup and a side hustle. 

30 – Never give a single fuck about what people think of you. I learned this a LONG time ago and my life has greatly improved since I stopped caring what others think. It’s so freeing.

31 – Being organized is one of the finest day-to-day life skills you can hone. Even if it’s organized chaos, make it work for you. 

32 – Make time for yourself. And do it often. Take an extra long, hot shower. Sit on your front porch in silence with a cup of coffee and a good book. Throw your headphones on as loud as they will go and throw some iron around. Do something for you and only you. And make yourself a priority. You love someone else fully only after you love yourself.

33 – Get enough sleep. I never noticed how bad my sleep habits were until I cleaned up my life nearly 7 years ago and since then, I’m sleeping like a baby. Most nights are an easy 7+ hours and it’s absolutely amazing to feel completely rested and ready for the day after a good nights sleep. 

34 – An ice cold, frosty beer after a LONG run (10+ miles) is the closest I’ve been to heaven. Theres just something about it and I ALWAYS treat myself to a cold one after a long run. If you haven’t done it, I give it 14/10. It’s AMAZING. 

And One Life Lesson to Grow On

35 – This is a throwback, classic lesson but it’s a good one. EAT YOUR VEGGIES! They do so much for your body and how you feel. If you don’t like them, hide them in your food. Just make sure you get some veggies, or at least some greens in daily.

WHEW. There you have it: 34 life lessons I’ve learned in 34 years. That’s a LOT of life lessons and each one just as important to me as the last. I only hope to make just as many life lessons in my next 34 years.

Cheers to Another Year!

What are some of your personal life lessons that you carry with you daily? I would love to hear them!